India Mission


In December 2014, God allowed Vision 2 Hear to connect with the Sion Assembly Church in Vijayawada, India and Pastor Rajendra, who leads several churches and an orphanage. The relationship actually started a couple years ago through Pastor Rajendra’s trip to the USA via New Vision Church, where George Lockhart works.

Pastor Rajendra came to the USA with the invitation extended through Pastor Alan Parker and New Vision, staying about 6 weeks as he shared in various venues. It was during one of those weeks that Pastor Rajendra and Pastor Alan worked things out to connect with George in Tavares, FL. Pastor Rajendra was able to share a few times there and in Port Orange at Christ The King with Pastor Scott Kirschner. It was a great time all the way around. pastor rajendra

As the time for Pastor Rajendra to depart for India, we all exchanged thoughts about a possible trip there at some point but nothing was set in stone. There were many variables and with V2H’s schedule for mission trips already set for the year, it didn’t seem as there would be any time soon for that to happen.

A year passed and Pastor Rajendra was keeping in touch with Pastor Alan and others from New Vision about the work continuing in Vijayawada. Being that George is serving as the mission pastor at New Vision Church, a member of the church had approached him about a possible trip and they were able to slate something for November 2014.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThrough that trip, many things transpired that opened various possibilities for the future. V2H was able to meet some of the Canadian church members who have been involved heavily with Pastor Rajendra and discuss future goals and plans. Also, on this particular trip, we were able to help them begin developing a website and other materials to help them in generating the support they need to do the work.

It didn’t take George long to become very impressed with the work that was happening through Pastor Rajendra and his brother Pastor Ravi, both of whom work tirelessly preaching in and running 7 churches plus an orphanage of 12 kids. As the work grows, so does the need for funds. The orphanage is able to hold over 100 kids (and there is a waiting list to get in) but there are only funds for 12 right now. Vision 2 Hear is going to sponsor a child in 2015 but we want to do more! OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

The cost is $50 a month, which covers three healthy meals a day, education, and a place to stay. This money goes directly to helping these kids. It’s not caught up in administrative fees where the kids only see a small portion. So, would you please consider adopting a child through Sion Assembly Church this next year? You can do it through donating to Vision 2 Hear and we will make sure the money gets there. We are happy to be partnering with Pastor Rajendra, Pastor Ravi and Sion Assembly. We are also looking forward to being a ministry partner with Vision 2 Hear India!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhile George was in India, he was able to perform several times in the area and as one can imagine, no one had ever seen anything like it before. The people loved the “dance” and wanted to learn how to do it themselves. It is our hope to be able to return to India within the next several months and stay for a little longer period to host a conference where we can instruct, encourage and inspire the church there with more creative arts and expressions. Please keep all of these things in your prayers.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANeedless to say, we are very excited about this aspect of ministry that has developed over the last couple of months. God has opened new doors for us that we never imagined. What a blessing we have to impact a country of 1 billion people where only 4% are Christian! Vision 2 Hear is super stoked to be able to go places like this and make a difference. Thanks for your investments in the lives of people all around the world.

For more about India and our partnership with SAC Ministries click here: SAC Ministries.

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