El Salvador Mission Trip

el salvador mission trip

Would you consider helping me get back to El Salvador this October? This trip and your help will allow us to provide another skate demo with prizes, but supplies for the skate shop to start the business, provide help for the work project of the retaining wall in the community, provide supplies for a gospel outreach within another community and cover our expenses in the country for travel and food. We are excited to also be working with a Christian deaf school and through our v2h mission house, excited to be helping the deaf learn life skills to share the gospel and grow in Christ. This trip will also give us the chance to relaunch our WAVE team ministry and begin to set up next Summer’s mission back. Any gift you give is tax-deductible and can be made online here: Donate. Thanks so much! ‪#‎vision2hear‬ ‪#‎v2hmission‬‪#‎v2hmissiontrip‬


Nicaragua Review



What an awesome trip! This was the second phase of my trip out of the country in October, 2013. I took a bus from El Salvador to Nicaragua. The bus ride was about 12 hours. I slept most of the way, having taken some motion sickness medicine. After arriving at the airport hotel, I met up with my Pastor from the USA who had arrived by plane to also serve with me in Padre Ramos. So Pastor Alan and I stayed the night in Managua.

SAM_4246Reynaldo Miranda, a gentleman who serves with the ministry at Padre Ramos, drove three hours to meet us and take us back to the ranchero. We enjoyed the ride, stopping to get supplies and groceries on the way. Once at the camp, we quickly settled in and met with the WAVE team that evening to give them their ministry shirts. They were all very happy to receive such a gift from the USA. The team in Nicaragua started about a year ago and how they have grown! It was awesomely amazing to see how God has used our ministry to train and equip them with skills like signing, which not only helps them with worship but also learn english in another way!SAM_4063

During the few days in Padre Ramos we had several practices with the team working on songs like Let Them See You in Me by JJ Weeks Band,  Everything Glorious by David Crowder Band, Revelation Song by Phillips Craig and Dean, Happy Day by Tim Hughes, and O Holy Night by Group 1 Crew. They embraced all the songs and made great progress in each of the songs.

We were all able to go to lunch together at Tip Top one day. It was a lot of fun being with the team and being able to share a meal as well as share a ministry opportunity together. After the meal we went to the “dump” to serve the people who have been displaced for the last 10 years. We brought them bags of beans and rice, giving out about 50 bags each. We also performed several songs in sign language, sharing the gospel with the children who gathered around.


During the time at the dump we took a tour through the community seeing some of the harsh realities for these people. Many of them harvest items from the local trash dump to construct their homes. They also seek plastics and recyclable items for money. The water they hunt for these things in is basically sewage, foaming up as it plunges down. Once again, I was reminded of how fortunate I am but also the needs that so many have around the world.



Our second task was serving the people of Ten Tall. We bought vegetables and chopped them up for a soup. We took a boat to the location, walking through the water to finally arrive. Once there we obtained the local huge cooking pot and begin the hour and fifteen minute cooking process. As the soup finished, we played with kids, kicking a soccer ball and watching others play. Just before eating, we did some songs in sign language for them and once again, they loved it. I have been to this community 5 times and with each time, their reception of what we do in worship grows. Not only did they participate they wanted more! There were about 60 or so people that we served soup, with little leftover. Everyone enjoyed the food, the message but we were the ones once again blessed.SAM_4279

SAM_4409The last two evenings we hosted a Bible service in which my Pastor from New Vision Church in Fayetteville spoke. He shared about God’s purpose in creating us on the first night. The second night he followed up speaking about the faith required to accomplish God’s purpose. Both were great services, attended well by those from the community. We ended our time the final night giving out some gifts collected by people from our church in Fayetteville. Everyone present received 3 or 4 items each as a gift of love from America and God.SAM_4411

From this trip we were made aware of a couple of needs that we will be seeking to meet. One child there has a huge place on his arm that seems to be a tumor or broken bone of some sort. He needs an operation and we are seeking details about the surgery and cost.

Another thing was a young disabled boy in Ten Tall who could use an all-terrain wheelchair. His mother carries him everywhere and he’s not a small boy! They could really use some sort of help. We are going to investigate getting something where he and she can function more freely. If you know or are able to help with either of these things or would like to make a simple contribution toward the work we are doing in Nicaragua, please contact us or click to donate.

El Salvador Nicaragua Trip October/November


The summer had many highlights but nothing really compares to travel outside of the country for 3 weeks! Traditionally, V2H tries to make across cultural international trip each year. This summer, V2H traveled to El Salvador and spent 14 days and then another 6 days in Nicaragua. It was during this time that I began to realize some of the dreams and goals we had as an international ministry start really taking shape.

During my time in Nicaragua, we began talking about forming another WAVE team. We already have a vibrant and flourishing team in El Salvador and now the possibility of expansion was on the horizon once again! Wow! And could we possibly bring the ES team to be part of the expansion? Jorge Campos had actually been to this place once before, meeting some of the locals and introducing them to some of what we do. The initial seed and thought came from our friend Scott Kirschner who has made several visits to Nicaragua. With Scott’s help in arranging for this trip and working alongside Tony and Debbie Jones, founders of the camp we stayed at, Jorge and I were able to deepen the possibility by spending time laying some foundation and framework for the future. Now we are both looking to return with the ES team in October and November to launch our second “Spanish” team. The dates are a little flexible at this point as we are still working on details but it is certainly an exciting time in our ministry to be able to see two international expansions within 10 years! Praise God!

Please be in prayer as the US side needs to help generate funds to bring the ES team to Nicaragua in order to make this expansion complete. If you’d like to support this mission financially, you can give through www.paypal.com using glv2h@yahoo.com as the recipient. Your gifts are tax-deductible. Thanks so much!